Newsletter Issue 3

Ferncumbe Friday

Friday 14th October 2022

The Positive Post Box!

Ferncumbe has teamed up with the Nationwide Building Society and The Diana Award to deliver positivity to school children across the UK!

With an aim to stamp out bullying and spread joy, we’re encouraging children to pick up a pen and paper and get posting.

Schools across the UK are being invited to sign up to the Positive Post Box, empowering children to channel positivity either by writing a letter or drawing a picture which will then be posted through the Positive Post Box and sent to another child in school.

In line with The Big Anti-Bullying Assembly watched by older members of Key Stage 2 last week, children will be invited to send and receive their letters, teaching them it’s cool to be kind and promoting mutual respect and proactive kindness to others from a young age.

Mrs Reid

Harvest Festival

A reminder that our school Harvest Festival will take place at Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday 18th October at 9.15 am. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer an open invitation to all parents due to numbers. However, as it is Reception’s first visit to Church, Hatton Class parents are welcome to come and watch their child’s debut performance - there will be standing room at the rear of the Church.

Children are requested to bring dried food/packets/tins to school on the 18th October, which will then be donated to Warwick and Leamington Foodbank.

As in the past, we also suggest that a coin may be sellotaped to the top of tins and any money donated given to charity. School Council will decide on the charity receiving the donation and will inform you in due course of their decision and the amount raised.

It’s Time To Clean Up Space!!!

This week, Mrs Grier held assemblies with both key stages to launch an exciting new science competition!

We are asking the pupils to design a space craft to remove the millions of tiny pieces of space junk that are currently orbiting earth. This can be made from anything at home, from Knex and Lego, to junk modelling or clay. We would love the pupils to bring in their designs to show them to the class. The final date for entry will be Friday 18th November, but entries can come in at any time before that. The presentation will be sent home today, giving further details. As always, our science competitions are optional, but we would love to see the school full of space junk removal solutions over the coming weeks!

Celebrating National Poetry Day in Wroxall Class

Last week, we read ‘Custodian’ by Brian Moses and thought about our own stewardship of the planet and how wonderful it is. We thought about the plants, landscapes and seasons and Mrs Grier was BLOWN AWAY by the incredible creativity and imagination of every pupil. Well done Wroxall!!

Mrs Grier

Christmas Dates for the diary

Reception Nativity: Wednesday 14th December at 9.30am, in Hatton Classroom

Haseley, Honiley and Rowington (Years 1, 2 and 3) Carol Concert at Holy Trinity Church: Tuesday 13th December 1.30pm and 6pm

Shrewley, Wroxall and Lowsonford (Years 4, 5 and 6) Christmas play: Thursday 8th December 2pm and 6.30pm

Do look out for further details next half-term.

Honiley class

Last week was National Poetry Day and the theme was the environment. We focussed on the poem “Nature Trail” by Benjamin Zephaniah. We explored the vocabulary in the poem and then went on our own nature trail in the school garden! We then wrote our own poems based on what we saw. Miss Constable is so impressed with our poems that she is going to submit them in the Poem for the Planet competition run by the Green Peace charity. Fingers crossed we hear from them soon!

Miss Constable

Haseley class

Haseley class have been exploring Autumn and seasons in Science this half term. Last week, we went on a walk around school and looked for some signs of Autumn. We were so lucky to find so many on our playground and field. Have a look at what we found!

Miss Forbes

Shrewley class

In Year 4, during our topic of Ancient Egypt we have been learning about the importance of the River Nile. We did some research, learnt some amazing facts and now understand why it was vital to the civilisation of Ancient Egypt. We wrote our own information texts about the Nile and made them as eye-catching and engaging as possible for our readers. I was impressed by the level of detail and the creative ways the children presented their information. We are very much enjoying our topic so far and look forward to learning lots more!

Miss Reid

Lowsonford Class

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 6 have been working hard to produce a leaflet about Lindisfarne and the Viking invasion. They have carried out research, worked in groups to organise the facts and they have drafted their work. They are now in the process of presenting their leaflets for display.  

Mrs White

Hatton Class

This week in Hatton Class we were delighted to be able to take the children into the forest, last week’s strong winds having kept us away. We explored the woodland area with a great game of ‘1, 2, 3 - Where are you?’ and we were told all about the Forest School rules. The children were very sensible and showed that they had listened brilliantly. The hot chocolate and cake was a real highlight, as always. We can’t wait to go again next week!

Mrs Stephenson

With very best wishes for a lovely weekend, and for a wonderful half-term to follow at the end of next week,

Tracey Webb, Head of School

Staff Ferncumbe