Newsletter Issue 6

Ferncumbe Friday

Friday 2nd December 2022

christingle SERVICE at Holy trinity church

Everyone is welcome to come to Holy Trinity Church (10am) for the Christingle Service on Sunday 11th December. This year Christingles will be given out to children at the service and not in school ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ””. For many of our children, this marks the beginning of the Christmas festivities, and we hope you can join us to light the Christingles and sing a selection of the songs and carols the children have been practising over recent weeks.

Should you wish, we will be collecting food donations to give to a local charity. Christmas goods such as biscuits or mince pies would be especially welcome.

Reverend Ann visited school for Worship this week and introduced children to the song โ€˜City on a hillโ€™. It is being sung next Sunday so do have a listen with your child/ren by following the link. It is very catchy - you will soon be singing along!

Haseley class

Year 1 have been improving their mouse control skills this term and learning how to use online to create some digital art. We have learnt to use a range of the tools on offer and last week, combined all our learning to create digital artwork of trees through the different seasons. Well done, Haseley class!

Miss Forbes

Honiley class

This term the children have been designing Christmas biscuits as part of their DT topic. It was only right that we sampled different biscuits to begin our topic! Since then, the children have come up with our own designs. We can't wait to make them next week! Keep your eyes peeled on Twitter for our fabulous creations!

Miss Constable

Rowington Class

This week, we had a fabulous lesson all about inference. We discussed that we use inference daily and we need to use clues and our own background knowledge in order to make our own inference. We were given pairs of shoes and had to make inferences about the owner of those shoes. Miss Blackwell was very impressed with our learning!

Miss Blackwell

Do follow the WCC link for support and advice on how to stay safe and well this winter

Christmas Jumper Day 2022

Itโ€™s nearly that time of year again, Ferncumbe Christmas Jumper Day! We will be inviting all children and staff to wear their Christmas jumper on the last Friday of term, Friday 16th December. A donation of ยฃ1 will be gratefully received from each child wearing a festive jumper or top.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing all of the fabulous Christmas jumpers!

With very best wishes for a lovely weekend,

Tracey Webb, Head of School

Staff Ferncumbe